Friday, May 25, 2012

Road Trip Day 1 & 2

I'm baaack! Rae and I are back on our 3rd road trip together. This time we are going from the east coast to west coast. Rae will be interning in Seattle, so we are taking a week to travel from RI - WA and couch surfing along the way.

Yesterday we left Providence right on schedule at 8am and drove down to Philadelphia, because we had never been. After surviving CT and NYC traffic, we made it to Philly at around 3PM. Anticipating thunderstorms, according to the weather forecast on our iPhones, but instead we got to the city and it was sunny and in the high 80s! It seemed like everyone was in on this joke leaving us being unprepared for such warm weather.

Our first stop was to get cheese steaks of course. Rae got hers at Geno's, I got mine at Pat's and we tested to see which one had the better cheese steak. Pat's won.

After lunch, we headed over to Center City to check out the historic sites. We saw the Liberty Bell and walked through the beautiful green spaces spread throughout the area. Soon after we drove over to the art museum to see the famous steps and hung out for the steps for awhile enjoying the nice weather. Still with plenty of time to kill, we headed over to University City to see the college area of town. We may be college graduates, but we still feel like college students most of the time. Overall, I really enjoyed the city of brotherly love.

After our day in the city, we ventured onto our next adventure, which was staying with our first couch surfing host: Caleb and his twin brother Joel outside of the city in Norristown. I feel like we may be a bit spoiled for our remainder couch surf locations because Caleb and Joel were great! The two are twins out of 13 children in their family back in Michigan. They live a very sustainable/minimalist lifestyle by growing and making all of their food from scratch. They are great Christian men. They don't have cell phones, internet, or a television in their home. And they have the friendliest German Shepard that I have ever met named Cinnamon. We got a home-cooked meal for dinner and they sent us off with a hot breakfast as well as sandwiches for the road. There are such nice people out there in the world, how would we have ever met them without the internet?

Our entire day Thursday was spent in the car driving from Norristown to Chicago (15 hours). Nothing too exciting about NW PA, Ohio, and Indiana. Exhausted. This is a joint blog effort between Rae and I (so you don't have to read both of our same stories. Check out her blog too! Keep reading for more of our road trip adventures. 



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