Lessons learned from MPMS:
- In advertising, the day you stop learning new things, you're done.
- The connections you make with fellow MPMS'ers are just as important as the ones you make with the recruiters. It's all about networking.
- Focus on what you want to do in an agency and strive towards it.
- Advertising is way too time-consuming if you're not passionate about your work.
- Handwritten card or email doesn't matter, as long as you follow up and maintain that relationship.
- Recruiters hire people, not paper. Show your own personality in everything you do.
- Keep a relationship with the recruiters by coming up with conversation topics including keeping up with recent agency news: new business, losing business, awards, etc.
- Always ask for feedback, whether you get the job or not. Especially not.
- Planners must have a naturally curious.
- Be prepared with good questions, always.

I got back from MPMS on Saturday, hopped off the train in Providence, put on a dress, and went to Snoball. The next day I hopped on a plane to DC. Now I'm here for my 3rd CPAC a few days early to help the ACU staff prep for the conference starting Thursday. I'm shadowing the Communications Director again this year, should be an awesome CPAC since it's an election year. Now I am standing at a crossroads in life. Madison Avenue or the Hill? We'll see.
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