I'm back!! Providence hasn't changed a bit, but I am excited to be back and getting back into the swing of things. I have a busy busy year ahead of me. Today is my first day back at work in the admissions office, thankfully I there are no tours booked today, so I can get some hours in and take care of some business from my computer.
I'm realizing how it is easier to blog about nothing (like this summer) than lots of things. There are so many things I could tell you about these past few days, but nothing of real importance. Basically it was a consistent pattern of unloading the car, loading the elevator, unloading the elevator, moving things into the apartment/room, then repeat. After moving our on things in, we also volunteered to help freshmen and their families move in. It was hard work, but it is all worth it when I think about how appreciative the families were that we could pretty much get their things up to the room in one trip. Made the madness of move in a little bit easier to handle.
Tonight is the Student Activities Fair out on Gaebe Commons. There will be swarms of booths for all of the different clubs and organizations on campus and swarms of freshmen to talk to about UIB. Recruitment is one of my responsibilities as Vice-President so this is my night to get some freshmen to join. This is probably the first time I have ever had a real objective to accomplish in an elected position. I have to get better at focusing and tackling my objectives I want to accomplish this year. This is something I want to work really hard with this year so I can leave JWU and UIB thinking I did something to make a difference in. You can't ever really feel proud about anything without putting in time and hard work.
I have to get a new camera this year, I have been in denial about dropping it in the Walmart parking lot last spring, but it is time to just suck it and buy a new one. Once I get one I will definitely post some pictures up of the apartment. For now I you can see a picture of the exterior. It's so good to be back in the mini-city, until next time...
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