2010 Midterm Election Results
House of Representatives |
This past week's midterm elections proved to be hugely successful for the GOP's. Congrats to them taking control over the House of Representatives! Finally some balance in our legislature. Some states just still don't get it though, including: Rhode Island, Massachusetts, California, Nevada... It's interesting how the states that are bankrupt do not connect economic policies with the people they elect into office. Why is it that Texas is the number 1 place to do business in the country and why is Rhode Island the 50th? Every time we talk about it in my classes with the liberal professors and I talk about how the government is spending too much money, they always talk about the money we're pouring into the "war" and not education.. not really the issue. It's a great tactic I guess, no one can deny bettering education, same thing goes for the environment. It still doesn't justify the wasteful spending, wasteful being the key word. Do Rhode Islanders think their state is bankrupt because of the 10 republicans in the general assembly?? We did go up to 18 for the next year, Travis Rowley (Rhode Island Young Republican Chair) predicts 30 for 2012. I wish them the best of luck. I do have more optimism for this state, the fact that it was the Independent and Republican gubernatorial candidates that were neck and neck in the end proves that the state is over traditional liberal politics around here. It makes sense that the Independent won, I have noticed that people up here do not feel comfortable affiliating with any particular party. The word Democrat and Republican really turns people off up here.

P.S. I am all for you believing that liberalism is the best way if you can back up your reasons factually and not just by telling me that my conservative politicians are idiots. I am sick of being insulted for my beliefs. You are far more convincing when you are expressing your beliefs with data instead of personal attacks.
That's my political rant for the time being. Until next time...
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