This weekend began with a the April Young Republican event in Wakefield. The flooding conveniently cleared and the highways opened up just in time for us to drive down smoothly. Southern Rhode Island is the best. There is such a quaint small town feel to Wakefield. If felt wonderful to get out of the city for a bit. We budgeted a bit more time than usual by keeping in mind the flood and rush hour. To avoid being early to the event, we ate dinner at Friendly's. It was Rae's first time to eat at a Friendly's. Friendly's is a New England chain. It was that place that your parents would promise to take you for ice cream if you behaved. They have the best chicken tenders and they are famous for their sundaes. After dinner, we arrived at the event fashionably late as planned. It was so nice to catch up with our YR buddies. It felt like we hadn't seen them in forever after spending consecutive days with them back in January.
Friday I got to sleep in and work the afternoon shift at 12:30. I woken up naturally by the sun, the best way to start the day. Campus had been closed due to the flood except for the Admissions office, but the website didn't do so well at clarifying that on the website so half of our scheduled tours for the day didn't show up. Since everything else on campus was closed, there were no phone calls coming in so I got to leave work early. With the rest of the day to do anything I wanted, Rae and I went to see The Last Song. I give it 2 stars. Great story, mediocre acting. Miley will always be Hannah Montana in my mind. If you're wanting a good cry, I recommend that you see this movie. After the movie, we took the trolley over to Wickenden Street and got pedicures. After our lovely pedicures, we ran after the trolley for blocks. That jerk trolley driver.
Saturday we spend some quality time with Ted and some Downcity church members at the bowling alley in East Providence. Initially, it is a challenge for me to share fellowship with other Christians. I have no idea why, I always have a good time when I do. It's nice being doing things with Christians outside of church. It's just nice being around positive people. After bowling Rae and I drove down to Jamestown to Beavertail State Park. Jamestown is a small ocean community outside of Newport. I always find myself sharing really nice and romantic moments with the roommate... maybe someday I will actually share them with a significant other. We ate brunch and took the scenic drive back.
Easter Sunday was a lot like any other Sunday. We went to church as usual, but Rae did invite our friend Andrew to church with us. It was very interesting for him, since he's a Jew, but Rae is never too shy to invite someone. I need to work on that. I don't typically believe in treating Easter any different than any other Sunday. We should recognize and celebrate Jesus and his resurrection every Sunday. After church we went to a potluck at Brodie's house and met some really great Christians in the area. A lot of them were Brown students and Campus Crusades for Christ people.
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