It must be an old habit I carry from growing up in Oklahoma, but when it snows, I still feel like life stops for a while. It has been really nice to be able to just hang out in the apartment, take leisurely trips up to Thayer St., and take a day trip to Boston. The downside of leisure is that it costs money usually. After dinner on Thayer, we were able to just spontaneously walk into the Avon Theater and watch a movie. We watched 'The Kings Speech" really great movie, I highly recommend it. I know. It sounds like a date. Moving on. Saturday we went to Boston and hung out at Harvard Square for the day. We spent the day hunting for the perfect place to eat lunch and window shopping.
Rae has taken it upon herself to help me meet my "Asian American Ivy League" husband. Now, I am perfectly content not having a significant other at the moment, but ideally I am looking for some who looks like this. He would ideally speak English very well and had parents who made him go to Chinese school so he would be able to speak, read, and write Mandarin Chinese. He must be a strong Christian that does not believe in instrumental worship. Preferably pursuing a career path in mathematics, engineering, finance, or computer programming. He needs to be emotionally stable and very mature. He cannot appear to have any resentment towards his parents for being really tough on him and expecting nothing less than perfection. If you know anyone that fits the criteria above please tell him about me and how wonderful I am and have him contact me, thanks.
I'm sure I approached this blog with some purpose, but it has obviously lost focus.
Until next time....

I'm sure I approached this blog with some purpose, but it has obviously lost focus.
Until next time....