Ahh I finally have time to sit and post a blog. I know it has been a while and maybe you think I have fallen off the face of the earth. I have been busy as usual, but in all honesty, I have been meaning to post a blog for weeks now, it has been on my to-do list but I kept getting tripped up on the title. Once I get a witty title, I'm usually pretty good on the post from then on.

I know we are well into the month of October now, like I said, I have been meaning to blog about this for a long time now. I'm sure you have noticed that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and boy does Providence love supporting breast cancer awareness. Not this past weekend that just happened, but the weekend before was Providence's annual Flames of Hope, the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Waterfire. This is one of the largest events held in Providence every year and the Special Events Society plays a part in the production of the event. I had the honor of working behind the scenes during the torch processions, where hundreds of people who are either battling cancer currently, in remission for cancer, or any one who is caring for someone or who has lost someone to cancer carries a torch and walks down to the basin and lights the Waterfire. It is a really emotional ceremony, there were certain points where I got teary-eyed myself. Gloria Gemma weekend is a beautiful thing in Providence. The whole downtown turns pink, the State House is lit pink as well as a few other buildings for the month of October.
Next weekend, the President's Leadership Council will be participating in the Making Stride Against Breast Cancer Walk at Roger Williams Park. I am getting a really late start on fundraising. I set a goal of $100, a very manageable goal I think. I would really appreciate some support from all of you who follow my blog consistently. A small donation goes a long way. I am only asking $5. It's easy just
click here!
It feels good to be blogging again. You will hear from me again shortly, I promise. Until next time...